I am delighted to be launching the Nurses for Reform blog today. The purpose of NFR is to campaign for more consumer-oriented and sustainable healthcare systems in Britain and Europe.

NFR believes it is no longer acceptable for nurses to sign up to careers in public sector healthcare only to find they are unable to access the resources and autonomy they need to do their work. NFR rejects bland egalitarianism in favour of contestability. Above all else we believe that greater partnership with the private sector is to be actively welcomed and that this sector’s contributions are good news for patients and healthcare professionals alike.

Today, too many nursing trade unions and representative bodies fail nurses because they invariably stick to old and out dated agendas. Instead of championing substantive reform – and in doing so, championing the rights of consumers – they default to short term platitudes such as demanding more tax payers’ money or new forms of legislative favour. Such an approach is not only disasterous for nurses but it is catastrophic for patients.

NFR believes in fundamental change. It believes that only by putting patients and consumers interests first will healthcare improve. It is only when healthcare is opened up to real consumers and trusted brands that nurses will find themselves working in a sustainable environment and with the incentives, resources and encouragement to deliver a responsive, popular and truly high quality service.

From now on this blog will be updated regularly by me and by my other NFR blogging colleagues. I hope you enjoy the site as it develops and that you will be inspired to send in your comments.

If you are a qualified nurse and would like to become an NFR supporter please visit us here to sign up.